Non-insured branches
- Acupuncture
- Services of public utility for heating, water and sewerage
- Road and motorway construction
- Other monetary financial intermediation
- Track racing drivers
- Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
- Bohagsflytt services
- Fire safety inspection
- Builder
- Camping business
- Manufacture of charcuterie and other meat products
- Diving
- Parachute instructor
- Assistant ship officer
- Property owners
- Financial services/consultancy except accounting, bookkeeping and auditing
- Aeronautical engineering
- Flight instructor
- Air Traffic Controller
- Flight Technician
- Fund management
- Supply of heating and cooling, generation of electricity
- Cargo handling
- Wholesaler
- Excavation
- Trade or manufacture of timber, other construction materials and sanitary equipment
- Holding
- Collection of non-hazardous waste
- Agriculture
- Control Officer
- Climbing instructor
- Lending activities
- Warehousing and storage
- Installer
- Motorcycle driver, competition
- Growing of grain, bean and oilseed crops
- Wholesale of waste and scrap
- Wholesale of fuels
- Wholesale of chemical products
- Plastic goods manufacturing
- Pyrotechnic
- Repairs and maintenance of ships and boats
- Auditing
- Pipelayers
- Plumbers
- Pipefitters
- Digging
- Forest insurance
- Gambling and betting activities
- Sawing and planing of wood and sawmills
- Security operations